5 Decluttering Tips to Help Reduce Stress and Boost Well-Being

Declutter to Reduce Stress

Do you feel stressed every time you are looking for the same item?  How much time and energy do you waste in the morning searching for your favourite top amongst the sea of unworn items in your wardrobe?  Is your home a place where you feel relaxed and calm or is it simply a storage unit for all your stuff?

If so then it’s time to get on top of your clutter mountain, regain focus and reduce your stress levels by organising your home.

For me decluttering is not so much about tidying up but more about focussing on what really matters to you and letting go of what no longer serves you.  The thought of streamlining your belongings can be quite overwhelming especially if it is not something you do on a regular basis.  Finding the time to actually dedicate to the task in hand can also be difficult in today’s busy world.

Clutter = Stress

Clutter can stop us enjoying the space we live in and can impact on us physically and emotionally.

There have been numerous studies into how being surrounded by clutter can negatively affect your mood, sleep, food choices and lead to stress and anxiety.  According to a study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin there is a direct link between the stress hormone cortisol and clutter leading to depressed moods over the course of the day.

Do you find that you also get easily distracted when your workspace is not clear?  This is because clutter competes for your attention too and restricts your ability to focus and process information.

We are all going to have different views about the “stuff” we accumulate.  This is certainly true in my household, which can be a challenge as every time you clear a space somebody fills it up with stuff!

As a Holistic Therapist the effects of stress are something I see on a daily basis.  I’m all for looking at ways to reduce chronic stress and clearing out your stuff can help with your energy levels, overwhelm and motivation. 

You can follow an array of Decluttering Guru’s who can help you achieve your life less cluttered and really get into the nitty gritty of the whole topic.  As a quick guide to get you started here are my tips to having a sort out.

Decluttering Plan

5 Clutter-Clearing Tips

Make a Plan and Schedule Time

Identify your clutter hotspots, which may be your entire house.  Make a plan of the rooms you want to tackle and break them down to each individual drawers, cupboards, shelves etc.  The time that you have available to start clearing your space will obviously depend on your current commitments.  It’s unlikely you have a whole weekend free to dive in so be realistic. 

Think about what area annoys you the most and start there, even 15 minutes a day is more than enough time to tackle that overflowing drawer.  Get other members of your household involved too (not always easy I know!)

Questions to Ask

Ask yourself the following questions to help you decide what to keep and what needs to go.

- Do I like it?

- Do I need it?

- Do I use it?

- Does it work?

Say NO to “Just in Case”

Always have some bags with you.  One for donating, one for rubbish and one for items you may be able to sell.  Whatever you do, do not have a “just in case” bag.  Don’t delay the decision to say goodbye, be honest with yourself, is it necessary?

A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place

Give items a home and put them back when you’ve used them and avoid having a place where everything gets dumped.  Also try and store things where you use them to avoid the temptation of not putting things back where they belong.

Don’t forget your Digital World and Diary

It’s as important to declutter your online space and daily schedule as it is your physical surroundings.  Think about how you are spending your days, where you are wasting time, where you are saying “yes” to things that don’t align with your goals.  A to-do list with no end also signifies clutter.  At the end of each day spend 5 minutes looking at your priorities and making a more realistic list.

All Sorted – Time for a Reward

Having a good sort out can be a hard task so remember to reward yourself after you have conquered your clutter mountain.  You will almost certainly feel the benefits of a clearer space but that’s not to say you can’t treat yourself to something – ideally not more stuff. Lunch out with your mates or get in touch to book a relaxing Massage or Reflexology treatment to help boost well-being and reduce your stress levels further.