How do you want 2023 to be different?


Do you spend any time reflecting on the previous 12 months and what you want to achieve going forward as you head into December?

Time has a habit of speeding up as we enter the festive season.  The influx of invitations, work, social and family commitments, change in routines, late nights as well as various other lifestyle changes, often lead us to feeling physically and emotionally drained at the stroke of midnight on 31st Dec.

We wake up feeling less than motivated as the New Year dawns.  The resolutions we promised to stick to fall by the wayside and we just carry on with the same old routine.

Any of this sound familiar?

If everything has gone great over the past 12 months, woohoo! So now, look at how you can continue that momentum.

If you want 2023 to be different, then it’s down to you as no-one else is going to make the changes you so desperately want.

No time like the present

Take action today to pause, take a breath and focus on how you want to press the reset button.  Grab your pen and paper, invest 20 mins (minimum) in yourself and sketch out your priorities for next year.  You don’t have to make a full-on plan, just sketch it out at this stage.  It’s important to make that commitment to yourself to simply carry out this task.

Don’t overthink, let your intuitive guidance shine and really get the sense of what “feels right”.

Visualise yourself taking the steps you need to tackle your priorities for next year.  Incorporate all of your senses.

Everyone’s version of their best life is different, remember this is all about you!! What’s burning away inside?  You know, that niggling voice your ego mind keeps trying to shut down to keep you safe?

Whatever it is, carry on investing 20 mins every day from now until the end of the year working on your soul priorities for 2023.  If you really can’t invest that time on yourself, then one question you may wish to reflect on first is “WHY?”

Self-Care is key

Now I wouldn’t be much of a Holistic Health Coach if I didn’t talk about prioritising your health as you work on your goals for next year.

Everything just seems to flow doesn’t it when you’ve slept well, taken time out to tick off your joy list, made sure you’ve had adequate rest, nourished mind and body, set boundaries and followed your inner calling.

So, when you spend some time on your plan for next year have a think about what self-care means to you.

Here’s a few prompts to get you started:

·         Honouring what you intuitively need.

·         Delegating a task to someone else.  (They may not do it as good as you, but does that really matter, it gets the job done and frees up time for you).

·         Setting firm boundaries (time to stop letting others dictate how you spend your time and energy).

·         Not playing “superwoman” and realising that you only have 24 hours in a day (use them wisely).

·         Knowing it’s OK to let someone down.

·         Taking a day off and doing what YOU want to do.

I could continue with this list and write a blog on each one, but it gives you an idea.

Remember genuine self-care is how we treat and speak to ourselves in every moment.

Over to you!

The burning question is - will you commit to those 20 mins?

To quote Tony Robbins: “The only thing that’s keeping you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.”

Not sure where to start with penning your new story?  I’m here to help, get in touch and let’s chat.